use script settdb.sh for DB login details registry
#!/bin/bash tmp_username=$SH_USERNAME tmp_password=$SH_PASSWORD tmp_db_sid=$SH_DB_SID #check $1 and $2 should be mandatory from input if [[ -z $1 ]] || [[ -z $2 ]]; then echo '***********************************************' echo 'WARNING :UserName And PassWord Is Needed!' echo '***********************************************' exit fi if [[ -z $3 ]] && [[ -z $ORACLE_SID ]];then echo '***********************************************' echo 'WARNING :There is Instance can be used !' echo '***********************************************' exit fi SH_USERNAME=`echo "$1"|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'` SH_PASSWORD=$2 echo '***********************************************' if [[ -z $3 ]] then SH_DB_SID=$ORACLE_SID echo 'Using Default Instance :'$ORACLE_SID echo . else SH_DB_SID=`echo "$3"|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'` fi if [[ $SH_DB_SID = $tmp_db_sid ]] && [[ $SH_USERNAME = $tmp_username ]] && [[ $SH_PASSWORD = $tmp_password ]];then echo 'Instance '$SH_DB_SID 'has been connected' echo '***********************************************' exit fi export SH_USERNAME=$SH_USERNAME export SH_DB_SID=$SH_DB_SID export SH_PASSWORD=$SH_PASSWORD export DB_CONN_STR=$SH_USERNAME/$SH_PASSWORD #echo $DB_CONN_STR listfile=`pwd`/listdb Num=`echo show user | $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID| grep -i 'USER ' | wc -l` if [ $Num -gt 0 ] then ## ok - instance is up echo 'Instance '$SH_DB_SID 'has been connected' echo -e '--' `date`'-- \n--'$SH_USERNAME@$SH_DB_SID 'has been connected --\n' >> listdb echo '***********************************************' echo 'Initalize DB login details registry OK!' echo 'Now you can Execution script~' echo '***********************************************' $SHELL else ## inst is inaccessible echo Instance: $SH_DB_SID Is Invalid Or UserName/PassWord Is Wrong echo '***********************************************' exit fi del_length=3 tmp_txt=$(sed -n '$=' listdb) echo '***********************************************' echo '********* ' $SH_USERNAME'@'$SH_DB_SID '**********' echo '***********************************************' curr_len=`cat $listfile|wc -l` if [ $curr_len -gt $del_length ]; then echo ' There Are Below Sessions Still Alive ' echo '***********************************************' fi sed $((${tmp_txt}-${del_length}+1)),${tmp_txt}d $listfile | tee tmp_listfile mv tmp_listfile $listfile
输出:./settdb.sh 用户名 用户密码
#!/bin/bash echo "==================================================查看数据库临时表空间=================================================================" sqlplus -s $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID <<EOF set echo off heading on underline on; column inst_num heading "Inst Num" new_value inst_num format 99999; column inst_name heading "Instance" new_value inst_name format a12; column db_name heading "DB Name" new_value db_name format a12; column dbid heading "DB Id" new_value dbid format 9999999999 just c; prompt prompt Current Instance prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ select d.dbid dbid , d.name db_name , i.instance_number inst_num , i.instance_name inst_name from v\$database d, v\$instance i; set term on feedback off lines 130 pagesize 999 tab off trims on column MB format 999,999,999 heading "Total MB" column free format 9,999,999 heading "Free MB" column used format 99,999,999 heading "Used MB" column Largest format 999,999 heading "LrgstMB" column tablespace_name format a20 heading "Tablespace" column status format a3 truncated column max_extents format 99999999999 heading "MaxExt" col extent_management for a1 trunc head "M" col allocation_type for a1 trunc head "A" col Ext_Size for a4 trunc head "Init" column pfree format a3 trunc heading "%Fr" break on report compute sum of MB on report compute sum of free on report compute sum of used on report select d.tablespace_name, decode(d.status, 'ONLINE', 'OLN', 'READ ONLY', 'R/O', d.status) status, d.extent_management, decode(d.allocation_type, 'USER','', d.allocation_type) allocation_type, (case when initial_extent < 1048576 then lpad(round(initial_extent/1024,0),3)||'K' else lpad(round(initial_extent/1024/1024,0),3)||'M' end) Ext_Size, NVL (a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0) MB, NVL (f.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0) free, (NVL (a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0) - NVL (f.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0)) used, NVL (l.large / 1024 / 1024, 0) largest, d.MAX_EXTENTS , lpad(round((f.bytes/a.bytes)*100,0),3) pfree, (case when round(f.bytes/a.bytes*100,0) >= 20 then ' ' else '*' end) alrt FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name) a, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) f, (SELECT tablespace_name, MAX(bytes) large FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) l WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = l.tablespace_name(+) AND NOT (d.extent_management LIKE 'LOCAL' AND d.contents LIKE 'TEMPORARY') UNION ALL select d.tablespace_name, decode(d.status, 'ONLINE', 'OLN', 'READ ONLY', 'R/O', d.status) status, d.extent_management, decode(d.allocation_type, 'UNIFORM','U', 'SYSTEM','A', 'USER','', d.allocation_type) allocation_type, (case when initial_extent < 1048576 then lpad(round(initial_extent/1024,0),3)||'K' else lpad(round(initial_extent/1024/1024,0),3)||'M' end) Ext_Size, NVL (a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0) MB, (NVL (a.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0) - NVL (t.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0)) free, NVL (t.bytes / 1024 / 1024, 0) used, NVL (l.large / 1024 / 1024, 0) largest, d.MAX_EXTENTS , lpad(round(nvl(((a.bytes-t.bytes)/NVL(a.bytes,0))*100,100),0),3) pfree, (case when nvl(round(((a.bytes-t.bytes)/NVL(a.bytes,0))*100,0),100) >= 20 then ' ' else '*' end) alrt FROM sys.dba_tablespaces d, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM dba_temp_files GROUP BY tablespace_name order by tablespace_name) a, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes_used ) bytes FROM v\$temp_extent_pool GROUP BY tablespace_name) t, (SELECT tablespace_name, MAX(bytes_cached) large FROM v\$temp_extent_pool GROUP BY tablespace_name order by tablespace_name) l WHERE d.tablespace_name = a.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name(+) AND d.tablespace_name = l.tablespace_name(+) AND d.extent_management LIKE 'LOCAL' AND d.contents LIKE 'TEMPORARY' ORDER by 1 / prompt exit EOF
#!/bin/bash sqlplus -S $DB_CONN_STR@$SH_DB_SID <<EOF set pages 500 set feedback off set verify off set echo on set linesize 1000 col object_name format a25 col osuser format a10 col machine format a12 col program format a20 --col object_type format a10 col state format a10 col status format a10 col oracle_username format a12 col sid_serial format a12 col sec_wait format 99999999 col lock_type format a5 col mode_held format a10 prompt Current Locks prompt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ select ses.sid||','||ses.serial# sid_serial,loc.oracle_username,object_name, --object_type, ses.LOGON_TIME,ses.SECONDS_IN_WAIT sec_wait,ses.osuser,ses.machine,ses.program,ses.state,ses.status, decode(d.type, 'MR', 'Media Recovery', 'RT', 'Redo Thread', 'UN', 'User Name', 'TX', 'Transaction', 'TM', 'DML', 'UL', 'PL/SQL User Lock', 'DX', 'Distrib Xaction', 'CF', 'Control File', 'IS', 'Instance State', 'FS', 'File Set', 'IR', 'Instance Recovery', 'ST', 'Disk Space Transaction', 'TS', 'Temp Segment', 'IV', 'Library Cache Invalidation', 'LS', 'Log Start or Switch', 'RW', 'Row Wait', 'SQ', 'Sequence Number', 'TE', 'Extend Table', 'TT', 'Temp Table', d.type) lock_type, decode(d.lmode, 0, 'None', /* Mon Lock equivalent */ 1, 'Null', /* N */ 2, 'Row-S (SS)', /* L */ 3, 'Row-X (SX)', /* R */ 4, 'Share', /* S */ 5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)', /* C */ 6, 'Exclusive', /* X */ to_char(d.lmode)) mode_held from v\$locked_object loc,v\$session ses,dba_objects obj,v\$lock d where loc.object_id=obj.object_id and loc.session_id=ses.sid and obj.object_id=d.id1 and ses.sid=d.sid order by oracle_username,seconds_in_wait desc ; set head off SELECT 'There are also '||count(*)||' transaction locks' FROM v\$transaction_enqueue; prompt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set head on set linesize 1000 pagesize 1000 col 进程SID for 99999 trunc col 锁类型 format a10 col SQL语句 format a60 col 等待事件 format a20 col 锁时间 format a20 col 锁角色 format a15 col 阻塞会话SID format a30 prompt prompt Blocking Session Details prompt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT mm.inst_id "实例ID", mm.sid "进程SID", mm.TYPE "锁类型", mm.id1 "事务号ID1", mm.id2 "事务号ID2", LPAD(TRUNC(mm.ctime / 60 / 60), 3) || ' Hour ' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(TRUNC(mm.ctime / 60) - TRUNC(mm.ctime / 60 / 60) * 60, 'fm09'), 2) || ' Min ' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(mm.ctime - TRUNC(mm.ctime / 60) * 60, 'fm09'), 2) || ' Sec' "锁时间", CASE WHEN mm.block = 1 AND mm.lmode != 0 THEN 'holder' WHEN mm.block = 0 AND mm.request != 0 THEN 'waiter' ELSE NULL END "锁角色", CASE WHEN ee.blocking_session IS NOT NULL THEN 'waiting for SID ' || ee.blocking_session ELSE NULL END "阻塞会话SID", dd.sql_text "SQL语句", cc.event "等待事件" FROM gv\$lock mm, gv\$session ee, gv\$sqlarea dd, gv\$session_wait cc WHERE mm.sid IN (SELECT nn.sid FROM (SELECT tt.*, COUNT(1) OVER (PARTITION BY tt.TYPE, tt.id1, tt.id2) cnt, MAX(tt.lmode) OVER (PARTITION BY tt.TYPE, tt.id1, tt.id2) lmod_flag, MAX(tt.request) OVER (PARTITION BY tt.TYPE, tt.id1, tt.id2) request_flag FROM gv\$lock tt) nn WHERE nn.cnt > 1 AND nn.lmod_flag != 0 AND nn.request_flag != 0) AND mm.sid = ee.sid (+) AND ee.sql_id = dd.sql_id (+) AND mm.sid = cc.sid (+) AND ((mm.block = 1 AND mm.lmode != 0) OR (mm.block = 0 AND mm.request != 0)) ORDER BY mm.TYPE, mm.id1, mm.id2, mm.lmode DESC, mm.ctime DESC; exit EOF
